Mullein Seeds
~100-130+ seeds by weight.
Grows readily from seed. Can direct sow in spring or start indoors; the seeds are light dependent for germination.
Hardy to zones 3-9. Very drought tolerant. Biennial but can sometimes produce a flower stalk in its first year. Can grow to 8 ft tall.
Prefers well drained soil but can tolerate moderately wet ground, and can thrive in poor soil conditions. Plant in full-partial sun.
Harvest the fuzzy leaves in its first or second year, flowers throughout blooming, and roots in its first autumn (not second).
Mullein is one of the chief respiratory herbs, its leaves used for all manner of lung complaints. The flowers can be used for skin and nerve ailments, while the roots lubricate and nourish the skeletal & nervous system.
Not native to Turtle Island/North America.